Tag Archive: photomanipulation

great photo manipulation graphic design set by xeto byte

this post  belong s to  xeto byte and his great  photo manipulation artworks .  he try to  show the deep reflect  of human s  problem in their mind .  the cold and dark … Continue reading

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set of amazing photmanipulation girl design by Alexandra V Bach

changing a simple  picture of person to a dreamy  character   is  one of the most  popular  arts in this world . Alexandra V Bach   from france is  one  of those  people  that … Continue reading

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greate samples of designing pretty HD landscape by using of photomanipulation technics Martina Stipan

creating  some thing special  in the life make people feel powerful and creative . i remember  those days that i was a  12 years old boy and i  created a small pretty  hammer … Continue reading

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30+incredible photomanipulation artwork from lu lebel

people always like to have abnormal powers or  be in abnormal condition , but in real world we can be in such place by such a power . so  we  search for help … Continue reading

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25 photomanipulation artwork from AprilLight

AprilLight from Finland had  nice talent  in photomanipulation artwork . this post i gathered 25  sample of her artwork  for you  as inspiration .her main field of art is designing of dreamy girls… Continue reading

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30 great photomanipulation artwork from Lilac

At least ,  new year is started , let me  say  HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL , i hope i could be able  see a  year  full of energy  for  you and in… Continue reading

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30 amazing photomanipulation design from Cyril Rolando

Cyril Rolando is an digital artist from southern of french . he is a  photo manipulation designer  and have some amazing artwork  in his collection . as we know he is an expert… Continue reading

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40 Dreamy world in Future – Best manipulation design

today i just gathered this wonderful gallery about dreamy  world in future . all artwork  has been designed really incredible and their boost mind  of viewer and force them to think about   picture… Continue reading

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